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5-11/12 - 11/11/12:

5-11/12 – 11/11/12:

11/11/12: what a glorious day! An amazing, beautiful day in the garden. 10/11/12: out and about with the family. 9/11/12: family movie might. Remember this beautiful film? 8/11/12: I have been so impressed with how Matthew’s reading has progressed this year. Tonight he read me a couple of his picture books before bed, not even […]

Fabric Friday: Barclay Snails

Fabric Friday: Barclay Snails

This delightful Alexander Henry fabric is called Barclay Snails, in fuchsia and olive. Fuchsia is one of my most favourite colours. I bought enough of this fabric to make a bag, or a skirt for Elora, but I think the snails would also make super appliqué embellishments, or even nice fabric buttons or brooches. I […]

29/10/12 - 4/11/12

29/10/12 – 4/11/12

4/11/12: another day in the garden. Everybody in the family got involved. 3/11/12: nurturing my garden 2/11/12: watching Georgie represent her school in the catholic interschool athletics carnival. 1/11/12: all my children were sitting at the kitchen bench for afternoon tea; I noticed they were all wearing pants that I had sewn for them! It […]