Our little triathlete
Yesterday Georgia participated in the Tasmanian schools triathlon challenge at Bellerieve oval. We could not be more proud. Georgia is the type of child who wants to try everything. Even when she was in kinder she was so brave and confident. So much so that she sang into the microphone in school assemblies, and for […]

Fabric Friday: Kokka
This lovely fabric is a Japanese fabric called ‘Trefle’ by Kokka. It is a thick and close woven fabric that would be great for furnishings and accessories. I bought this fabric because in one my my appliqué phases I thought it would be lovely for appliqués, but now I think I would like to make […]

Ten things I have learned from NaNoWriMo
I have been learning a lot from this year’s NaNo journey. 1. I can type really fast if I a) want to b) have to or c) have a lot to say 2. Some days I have a lot to say. Other days I feel like I am pulling teeth just to put one sensible […]

Best place ever
Since I was a very young girl I have had the dream of living on a farm. I wanted to collect eggs in the morning. I wanted to ride my pony in the evenings. I wanted to have sheep and cows, and lush green pastures. I wanted to grow flowers and vegetables and sit by […]

12/11/12 – 18/11/12:
18/11/12: definitely the highlight of my day was spending quality time with my boy. We played chasey outside, played fruit salad, jumped on the trampoline together and did lots of hugging and chatting. 17/11/12: I love where we live. Weekends feel like holidays. We did jobs around the house, together, and then we toasted marshmallows […]

Grateful for chickens
I love the chickens. I love it how they scramble to the door of their chook run and wait for their food scraps. I love it that they see me coming, clomping along in monte’s oversized crocs, carrying the blue chook scraps bucket, and they cluck and carry on, waiting impatiently for me to come […]

Fabric Friday: Anna Maria Horner Festival
This lovely fabric is from Anna Maria Horner’s Good Folks range. It is called Festival in Tangerine. What I like about this fabric, and a lot of Anna Maria Horner’s designs, is that the pattern runs along the edges of the fabric, with a different pattern running down the centre (excuse my photos!). I bought […]

My daughter’s jeans
I debated for a while about whether I should post this (in fact, as I write, I am still wondering whether I will publish the words that I type). Then I thought, well, why not. I should be pleased, if not proud, of what I achieved, so why not celebrate it a bit? After all, […]
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