Fabric Friday: vintage table cloth
I have a collection of vintage table cloths and this is one of my favorites. The embroidery has been done by machine but the work is very nice and I like the pink flowers. I like pink. I like flowers. No surprises there. I once imagined that I would cut up these pretty pieces of […]
The cows came here just 3 months ago. One by one they left us. Ernie was killed for beef. Emma died a few weeks after she arrived, probably of old age. Miranda sold Josephine and Eyenstein and yesterday, Nina, who has been sick for 3 weeks, died too. the day Nina arrived Monte built a […]
Teaching Georgia to Crochet
For a while now, Georgia has been asking me to teach her how to crochet. She can knit and she is getting better at sewing, so crochet is the next thing she wants to do. What better way to spend a wintry Sunday morning than sitting, snuggling up in the cosy bed with my gorgeous […]
28/5/12 – 3/6/12
3/6/12: I had a good day today. Nina seems to be getting stronger and fitter. Monte has been working hard to care for her. He has become very attached to his ‘girls.’ 2/6/12: the children were very quiet for some time. It turns out that they were spying on me. 1/6/12: winter! Holidays started today. […]
A solitary exploration on the farm
This may not be a big deal to many people, but it’s a big deal to me. I got a chance to go for a solitary wander last weekend, between laundry, cooking, animals and children. Getting some fresh air and walking up and down and over our hilly farm was just what I needed. I […]
A day in the valley by the river
We are fortunate to live in this part of the world. It’s so clean, fresh and pretty. In one day, as the sun began to rise and when it began to set, I had the opportunity to enjoy this with my children. At a time when things feel like they’re challenging and difficult, days like […]
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