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2/4/12 - 8/4/12

2/4/12 – 8/4/12

2/4/12: the most basic yet hearty of dinners. BBQ chicken breast with 3 vegetables (steamed). It’s about eating simple food and livening up the meal by listening to joyous children as they gobble away and chat about their day. 3/4/12: I arrived at work and went to my classroom, where a colleague was waiting for […]

26/3/12 - 1/4/12

26/3/12 – 1/4/12

26/3/12: Well, when you’re feeling ill and have no energy and your baby cries through the night, again, and is diagnosed with hand, foot and mouth disease, and cries so much due to the pain in her mouth – which is so bad she can’t eat much – you find it hard to find much […]