21/3 – 2/4
My highlights of happiness continue to be based on my family. I cherish my time with them and am grateful for them each day. I love being a mother. It is so easy to be busy with life, and I have been making an extra effort to stop and enjoy my children. Stuff the housework. […]
Garden glories
This is the dream. After living in the cabin for over two years – constantly reminded that we had no electricity save that which was powered by the sunlight and a dab of wind – I missed many things. Space, for one. Garden, another. For the first time in a while now I am completely […]
oh so smiley ;)
I am feeling extra blessed. We are living in this picturesque valley, which is so beautiful and safe compared to the dramas and troubles that are occurring not just over our country but throughout the world. To enjoy this sunny long weekend with my happy, safe and healthy family was a blessing of magnitude proportions; […]
Matthew starts kinder
I remember the moment my son was born. After a bit of heaving and pushing, he slid out. When the midwives caught him, they said “What a big baby!” to which I replied, “Is it?” before flopping onto the bed and letting Monte mop my forehead whilst this enormous* baby was put onto my chest […]
Zucchini chutney
We are inundated with zucchinis. We have four plants and their yield is very high. We are growing three varieties: yellow, pale green and crook neck. I love zucchinis. We eat them raw, as a grated accompaniment to any meal. Cabbage can be replaced with zucchinis for coleslaw too. We eat the new ones, sliced, […]
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