Becca’s Beef Pot Roast
You know those days when you want to cook something and nothing in the recipe books matches either what you feel like eating – or the ingredients in your pantry? Today was one of those days. Plus, I felt creative and energetic for the first time in a while! Usually we have a weekly menu […]

Chicken casserole
Chicken casserole. I had 90 minutes to make dinner. I was in a hurry and this worked out really well. A simple on-the-spot recipe. Elora was whingeing. Monte was absorbed in his work. I’d accidentally allowed Georgia and Matthew to eat leftover lollies from Elora’s party (another post). Things were a bit hectic but I […]

I’m sure I’ve shared my scone recipe before, but I’ll do it again. I made these for afternoon tea on the weekend. It had been a warm sunny morning, but by the afternoon it was cold, with dark rain clouds looming. Monte was working on his latest project (details to come), and I thought: ‘my […]

Happy cooking
A few weeks ago we endured a very wet weekend. We think we had over 100ml of rain because some buckets that were outdoors had more than 10cm in them! We spent the whole day on Sunday, cooking on our beautiful wood stove. It was such a productive day, albeit completlely exhausting. We loved it. […]
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