The easiest muffins you’ll ever make
Hello! I haven’t posted on here for a long time. It’s not that I’ve nothing to say: I keep thinking of blog post ideas. I think it’s a time thing. And an energy thing. And the thing where you’d like a few moments to yourself so you can write, before you get too tired. […]

The story of the carport…
With the invaluable help and expertise of a good friend, John, Monte concreted the carport a few weeks ago. It has made such a big difference to us, firstly, because we are not walking road-base into our car or house anymore! Secondly, we can waltz out there without shoes, if we so desire (actually, […]

Cheese muffins
We went to a lovely birthday party this morning. I baked some cheese muffins and some carrot and sultana muffins for my friend Tania. She wanted savoury party foods, and then have just the birthday cakes as the sweets – a great idea that I might try myself. To make these cheese muffins (about 40 […]

Happy cooking
A few weeks ago we endured a very wet weekend. We think we had over 100ml of rain because some buckets that were outdoors had more than 10cm in them! We spent the whole day on Sunday, cooking on our beautiful wood stove. It was such a productive day, albeit completlely exhausting. We loved it. […]
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