December 31, 2013 I should probably write about the year that was, as is my custom. Except I’m running a bit behind this year! One thing that is really cool about this year is that we kicked off 2013 with my best friend of 23 years, Brooke and her family in Adelaide; we then said […]

19 weeks
If I’m going to have this baby early like the others, I am now at least halfway through my pregnancy. It has been a fairly rough start, with yucky morning sickness as well as gastro bugs and sinusitis and head colds and a general feeling of fatigue. I love feeling the baby wriggle and kick […]

Dad’s Day
It has been the most beautiful weekend. Sunny clear skies, almost no wind, warm weather – the perfect weather for a weekend of spending lots of time together outdoors! I washed walls. And windows. And I weeded some parts of the garden (too much hoeing!) and planted things, and completely polished our bedroom. I washed […]

Ok, so I haven’t been posting much lately. I’ve been growing this: Which is making me look like this: 14 weeks Our fourth baby is due on Feb 11, but will probably be induced 3 weeks early like our other babies because of my antibodies, which are already quite high. Despite being my fourth pregnancy, […]

Ten things to tell your children every day
There are some things I like to tell my children every day. Or, at least, there are things I think about each day; sometimes I fall short of sharing these thoughts with my children, though I aim to. With a big family, we have to make conscious efforts to make each child feel special, loved […]

Melbourne {Day 4}
Good mornings, goodbyes, more walking, more picnics, more photos and more sightseeing, before catching an evening flight home. It was a really special weekend away, from the first morning, when I woke to the sounds of the garbage trucks and wondered where all the rubbish goes, until the final afternoon, when we felt hot and […]

Melbourne {Day 3}
Our third day in Melbourne with our family and friends began like this: watching hot air balloons float majestically in the sunrise, with a shared breakfast of pancakes and coffee. We all caught the tram to the Melbourne Museum. I must say that I want to return to Melbourne again soon so we can spend […]

Melbourne {Day 2}
They make me so happy I took the children out in the morning when Monte had a work meeting. We played in the play ground and walked through the gardens. We played around with the camera for a while. We also looked at interesting trees and plants. We played: they ran, I followed, carrying all […]
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