Reindeer poop {recipe}
Ok, so most people might know these as yum yum balls, rum balls or even truffles. At Fangorn farm we call the reindeer poop. Some cheeky children even roll them into turd-like shapes for that extra giggle factor [eye-roll]. These are really easy and quick to make, especially if you have a food processor/blender to […]

Christmas Cake
I posted this recipe last year, but because we just cut into one of the cakes today, and it was so moist and sweet and rich and damn delicious, I decided to post the recipe again! I made this cake a few months before Christmas. My mum says fruit cakes are always better after a […]

30 weeks
I’m finding it hard to believe I’m at this point already, but here I am. 30 weeks. This pregnancy – this year in fact – is going so very very quickly! I am well. I feel great actually, except for a case of fatigue. I’m so tired. My body feels heavy and by the end […]

Happy new year!
Happy new year, from our family to yours! We had a beautiful Christmas at home. One of the best Christmases ever, actually. There is something beautiful in the simplicity of staying at home with your young children and just ‘being.’ The kids loved staying home to play with their new gifts and eat their favourite […]

Fangorn Farm Christmas Cake
I love making Christmas cakes. This year I have been about 6-8 weeks behind schedule in my Christmas cake making. Usually I like to make them in the spring school holidays but I am going to blame the fatigue and sickness associated with my pregnancy for my Christmas cake making delay. I made two cakes […]

Handmade Christmas
Four weeks until Christmas! A few months ago, I decided to make a lot of our Christmas gifts this year. The decision came about because I am tired of plastic toys and junk that accumulates in our house. I’ve done so much sorting and purging that I dare not add to the plastic fray under […]
Five years ago…
The other day I found this Christmas letter from 2007. Five years ago we were getting ready to leave Adelaide and make our adventurous and courageous move to Tasmania. I like looking back and thinking about the things that have changed for us over the past five years. I can’t remember what it was like […]

Fabric Friday: Christmas!
I have made some Santa sacks for Monte and me. I’m pretty sure that Monte has been a good boy and that Santa will be coming to him this year. I am *hopeful* that he will be coming to me too. I made some sacks with some red, weird elasticky fabric and trimmed them with […]
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