Out of laziness, I made bread. I couldn’t be bothered leaving the house in the wind/rain/sleet/snow to go to the shops just for a loaf of (probably stale) bread. It was so good, I keep making it! It’s so easy and so very, very tasty! You don’t need a breadmaker (ours is broken anyway) and […]

Slumber party cake
To celebrate her recent birthday, Georgia had a few friends over for a slumber party on Friday. The girls came to our house after school. Having the sleepover on a Friday was a great idea because the girls then had the whole weekend to recover. We set the pick up time at around 10:00am. The […]

Baking bikkies
Saturday means cooking to me, and this morning I had a large lentil soup on the stove, as well as a big chocolate cake and some cookies in the oven! Monte gave me Nigella Lawson’s ‘Kitchen’ cook book for my birthday. I used her recipe to make these scrumptious cookies, which are crispy on the […]

Banana cake
Hello! Do you like banana cake? I do. As we were growing up, my mother made banana cake for us – often. It was a treasure in the lunchbox, alongside a granny smith apple and a ham and cheese (or cheese and pickles) bread roll. I’ve played around with the recipe. This cake is like […]

Chocolate brownie in a mug
A friend told me about this recipe. She recited it to me at work one cold morning. I glared at her, saying: ‘you shouldn’t have told me that.’ Since then, two things have happened. One, I’ve been telling people the recipe. It’s a bit like having an annoying tune stuck in your head; you just […]

I’m sure I’ve shared my scone recipe before, but I’ll do it again. I made these for afternoon tea on the weekend. It had been a warm sunny morning, but by the afternoon it was cold, with dark rain clouds looming. Monte was working on his latest project (details to come), and I thought: ‘my […]

The story of the carport…
With the invaluable help and expertise of a good friend, John, Monte concreted the carport a few weeks ago. It has made such a big difference to us, firstly, because we are not walking road-base into our car or house anymore! Secondly, we can waltz out there without shoes, if we so desire (actually, […]

Cheese muffins
We went to a lovely birthday party this morning. I baked some cheese muffins and some carrot and sultana muffins for my friend Tania. She wanted savoury party foods, and then have just the birthday cakes as the sweets – a great idea that I might try myself. To make these cheese muffins (about 40 […]
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