We have had a wonderful season of growing food this summer!
I’m so grateful for Monte, who has done all the work and made it possible!
This summer and autumn we have had/are having great crops of: tomatoes, cucumbers, zucchini, squash, jalapeños, garlic, lettuce, strawberries, apples, blueberries, blackberries and eggs! We have also grown potatoes, mulberries and cherries on a smaller scale.
It s great growing our own food. There have been several times that we have had meals just based only on things we have grown, like zucchini slice, and this River Cottage potato salad (which was hideously delicious!):
I’ve been making zucchini cakes, zucchini bread, blackberry smoothies, and zucchini and tomato relishes and chutneys to name a few. I have really been enjoying the preserving part!
Yellow tomato chutney
Semi dried tomatoes
Cucumber pickle
I’ve made over 10kg of preserves. One day I want a root cellar stocked with preserved and homegrown vegetables!
Like I said, I’m grateful for all the work monte has done. We are especially living the polytunnel, which has been great for growing lots of tomatoes! One day we will write about the polytunnel.
We’ve got ideas and plans for more growing next season. I would like to grow peas, beans, beetroot and more – yes more – zucchini, potatoes and more.
What people have been saying: