Archives by date

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January 7-13

January 7-13

1: (7/1) after some consecutive days of Elora being successful with her toilet training, we sent the change table down to the shed down the hill. Since then, Elora has been asking for it, and whining about daddy taking her change table down the hill. 2: (8/1) some quiet, brotherly loving Lego building after dinner […]

January 1-6

January 1-6

A different way to present my 365 photos: 1: 1/1/13: celebrating Monte’s birthday with his family 2: 2/1/13: coming back home from Adelaide and meeting our two new baby chicks 3: 3/1/13: picking lunch from our garden, including our first zucchini for the season 4: 4/1/13: collecting these beautiful lilies from the garden 5: 5/1/13: […]