Fabric Friday
I bought this pretty pillow case a while ago. I’ve been buying a lot of adorable pillow cases over time. Usually I can only buy them in single quantities. Usually I like them too much to cut up. This pillow case was made in Australia. The fabric is the most beautiful medium weight cotton. It’s […]
Treechange Tuesday: size matters
We often suggest that it could have been a wise choice to start off with a smaller house, and then extend more rooms once we were settled. That way, the build would have taken less time, which means less time in the cabin! It would have been quicker to get completion if the house was […]

6/2/12 – 12/2/12
6/2/12: our 13th wedding anniversary! I feel so happy, and so very, very lucky! 7/2/12: it’s the last day of my children’s summer holidays! I labelled books and clothes. I lay uniforms out for them to dress into in the morning. Luckily I had a friend visit, and we got new chooks – otherwise I […]
Recorder bag
On Georgia’s book list this year is a recorder. She has been using one of monte’s old recorders that he used as a child. She loves this fact and is proud of using something linked to her father’s past. However, the other children’s recorders came with a little bag, and she did want one – […]

Fabric Friday
Princess Butterfly. That is what this gem is called. I like it. It is bright, florally and very pretty. I think that you either love this or you hate it. I like it for its crispness and the sharpness and colour of the images. I bought it at spotlight. I think it was $12.95 per […]

After more than two years of being chickenless, we now have 4 new young birds! There are three white ones and one brown one. Georgia calls hers Chelsea, whilst Matt calls his Alex. The children are understandably very excited to have chickens again! Over the past few weekends, a sturdy and safe chook house has […]
Treechange Tuesday: toilets
Yes, well, probably not a title you thought you would see on my blog. We have two of these toilets. In hindsight, we only need one. It’s a really good choice for our main toilet because we did not need to worry about plumbing in another basin in ‘the powder room,’ and of course the […]

30/1/12 – 5/2/12
30/1/12: rain! After such a dry few weeks, it was delightful to have such a huge amount of rain. The pond that had dried up has been filled to overflowing! Our garden is rejoicing with its beautiful, long drink, but the weather is not very conducive to drying the washing or enabling little children to […]
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