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All speed ahead chez Fangorn. The cupboards have arrived. Most of them have been put together (except the doors – we wouldn’t want them to get scratched, besides, we have to have the cupboards in place before setting the doors). I came home today to see a lot of the cupboards in place. They are […]


Indeed… it is coming so close now that we are fitting wardrobes. It took some time to decide what sort of fittings we wanted, but we eventually decided to go with this one because it is adjustable and we can add to the system as we want. We’ll use the same system in the pantry; […]


One of the lovely things about the strawbale house is the big, thick, curved posts and windowsills on the external walls. They give a lovely solid feeling, and lots of people come into the house and exclaim: “It’s like a castle I visited,” or “It’s like so-and-so’s big old house.” The other good thing about […]

Back to school

Georgia has started Grade 1. She loves her new teacher and she is excited about a new year of learning new things. She was nervous today, but she was mostly excited. Working at the same school that she attends is comforting because I often think that I will be there if she needs me … […]


We had a dramatic evening after my first day back at work after the (long, 2-month) summer holidays. Matthew fell off the caravan step and sliced the back of his thigh open. Yes, open. Do you want details? No, you do not. Let’s just say there were layers of flesh… Firstly, I have to say […]

11 years

We’ve celebrated our anniversary with a dinner out last night with one of our children (Georgia had a sleepover at a friend’s house). We went to the local: the Kermandie. It was excellent. Matthew was (is) the perfect child: sitting quietly, eating quietly and generally being overly obedient and pleasant. He had a pirate cheeseburger […]

365 reasons to smile

I am going to partake in a photo project, based on an article I read in a magazine last year. A mother of two, melancholy like me, decided that taking a photo of something that made her smile each day would help her focus on the happy, positive things in her life. I am going […]


For all our pleasure at not noticing even one snake on our property this summer, I was rudely surprised when I saw one in our bathroom, of all places! A young, foot-long tiger snake, no thicker than my finger, was slithering behind the bath yesterday. At first I thought it was a skink, as several […]