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Family News

Family News

Thought I’d update what we’re doing, mostly for our family and friends “back home.” Monte is very busy working. We have organised his home office a bit more and he is settled there, where he works full-time. An influx of work at this time, just before I go on leave, is convenient, but things are very […]

26 weeks

The last week of the 2nd trimester – just a few days to go and I’ll well and truly be in the ‘huffnpuff’ stage. The second trimester is my favourite part of pregnancy. Usually, I am not too big and not too sick, and have more energy to do stuff. The last few weeks, however, […]

Blueberry muffins

Morning tea

I’ve just had some lovely friends over for morning tea. The sun shone through the big windows in my living room (they really need to be cleaned: weekend job) and the children played relatively quietly with some trains, blocks and lego. It was great having a cuppa and a chat with some girlfriends; I’ve really […]

July is birthday month!

July is birthday month!

Matthew and I celebrated our birthdays recently. We had fun. My birthday morning I had a good birthday. It was quiet. I woke up and got given breakfast in bed and some presents. One particular present is rather awesome, actually, so I felt very lucky and spoilt! I had a good day at work. We […]

Sunshine and scones like summer

Sunshine and scones like summer

Last weekend it was 11 degrees outside at lunchtime. However, it was a beautiful sunny day and we decided to make some cheese scones for our lunch. The recipe is easy (we doubled it so we had – errr – leftovers). 50g butter 2 cups SRF a bit of baking powder 200ml milk 1/2 cup […]

Antibodies in pregnancy

I’ve mentioned my antibodies before in a previous post. My blood is a rare type but it’s only an issue when I’m pregnant, or, I imagine, if I ever need a blood or organ transplant. Most people know about the Rhesus issue (when a mother’s blood type does not match her baby’s and therefore forms […]



We love our stove. Helen asked for more pics so here goes:

House Pics

House Pics

A lot of people have asked us to put house pictures up on our blog! It makes sense too; we’ve published a lot of the journey, so why not display some of the fruits of our labour? Of course, like many houses, there are jobs still to be done, like rendering and some painting touch […]