Winning NaNoWriMo 2012
Yes! I won NaNoWriMo 2012. I wrote over 52000 words in November. I crossed the line on Wednesday November 28. I didn’t have the same exhilaration as I did last year. I did not cry with relief. What happened was I crossed the line and could not stop writing. I kept writing. I kept going […]

Ten things I have learned from NaNoWriMo
I have been learning a lot from this year’s NaNo journey. 1. I can type really fast if I a) want to b) have to or c) have a lot to say 2. Some days I have a lot to say. Other days I feel like I am pulling teeth just to put one sensible […]
NaNoWriMo Woe
If I was writing consistently every day, I would have been writing 1,666 words per day and by today I would have written 25,000 words. Instead, I have written sporadic amounts each day (sometimes not actually writing at all) and my word count is at 22,453. I am aiming to do a big writing push […]
An excerpt from my writing journal today:
I am keeping a journal of my NaNo experiences. Today I wrote: … i have written nearly 4000 words today and I am delighted. I have been working on the story of Timothy and I feel inspired and excited with my story! I’m so happy. I have really wanted to write today and I have […]

NaNoWriMo 2012
It’s on again. It doesn’t feel like very long ago that I won NaNoWriMo 2011. I’ve got writer’s block. I’m finding it practically impossible to write during the day; every three minutes one of my children needs me to do something for them. I guess that goes without saying. I could never work at home. […]

I won!
I did it! I won! I’m so excited – and I actually had *real tears* as I typed my ‘final’ words (final for Nano, perhaps, but my story is not nearly finished!). I have typed over 50, 200 words this month. I am so happy. It was even worth the burnt Christmas cake. :D

I write with great excitement. I am about 1200 words away from finishing my 50,000 words for NaNoWriMo. I have written 48,767 words this month. Today, I have written just under 3500 words (not including this post), and I have spent less than an hour writing at my computer. I have to make the time […]

A little mishap…
Last night I decided to bake some Christmas nut cakes. Or, rather, nutty Christmas cakes. And I also decided to try to write 4000 words in under 2 hours. And then, this happened: Turns out I am quite the nut! I remembered about these beauties at 3:00am. Only 6 hours too late. What a waste! […]
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