Rebecca Goulding

Chicken Pox

Georgia and Matthew have the chicken pox. Although we have been and will be seeing some friends this Easter, we are pretty much keeping low key. I was planning to go to church, but we won’t now. Georgia has probably already infected her entire class without us even knowing she had the darn thing. I […]


It’s raining. Really, really, really raining. It is heavy rain, fat rain, noisy, slanty, lovely rain. Monte feels sick, and is cuddled up in bed with a coffee, looking out over the rain covered pastures and forest. Matty is sleeping. I feel warm after my coffee. I haven’t registered to teach in Tasmania yet. I’m […]

Filling in time (before I ring mum)

Georgia and Matthew are trying to settle for bed. They both have runny noses. Monte is feeling crappy too. Our friends’ children have the chicken pox, and because we saw them recently, I think my children might be getting it too. Despite immunisation (which Georgia has had), I know of plenty of children who are […]

Devils and swings

A few nights ago I heard an awful, menacing noise coming from under the front ‘porch’ (really a few pallets set up like so). At first I thought it was Naigee growling, but as I woke from a groggy sleep, I realised it could not be the cat… it must be a devil*! What on […]

Christians and the Environment

A friend of ours was just telling us about a pastor who once said that ‘as Christians, we don’t need to worry about the environment because everything is preordained.’ Firstly, that pastor should lose his job, saying crap things like that, and secondly, as Christians, we must worry about and care for our environment. I’m […]

More on the House

On this beautiful autumn day, I am sitting on my bed, looking out my window, past my Hills Hoist (which I am still calling a work of art!) and towards our forest and the hills to their right. I still can’t get over this new life I am living. Before hanging up my washing I […]

A good night and a good life

We had friends over for a vegetarian BBQ last night. I wished that we could have served fresh veges from our own vege patch. It will be a while before we are up to that! We had a great time. We drank beers whilst the children played (their children are the same ages as ours). […]

Straw or not to Straw?

On purchasing our property, our dream was to design and build a strawbale home on a hill overlooking luscious views of the area. We had several stipulations about our design: a house site on the top of our property to maximinse privacy and the views a cool store in the house: a very large pantry […]