Apple cobbler (recipe)
Yes please! This recipe is super easy to whip up and bake for dessert. I imagine it’d be just as delicious cold, but we’ve never had leftovers to enable us to try it. We like to eat it fresh from the oven, with icecream! The biscuit topping is quite sweet; if you aren’t going to […]

It seems like a small thing to think about when you’ve recently had a cancer diagnosis: hair. With my tumour gone, and the doctors assuming the disease is cured, I’m about to embark on the adjuvant therapy of chemotherapy, radiotherapy and hormone therapy. These are all designed to reduce the chance of my cancer returning, […]

Update and whatnot
Hi folks! I just want to say, thanks for sticking around and being here to read my little blog. I haven’t been writing as much lately; I guess it’s one of those things that has taken a backseat whilst I get on with life. I’ve never intended to be a professional blogger, but writing this […]
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