We have had lovely holidays!
They began with a delightful visit from Monte’s sister Sarah and her family. They stayed with us for a week over Easter and we had a great time together.
One of the highlights was that Sarah and Russell minded the children so Monte and I could have a night away in Hobart. It was nice to get away for 24 hours. We had a nice meal at Mezethes and we stayed at the grand chancellor, looking over the Harbour:
Whilst Monte and I went to Hobart, Sarah and Russell took Isaac, Lily and Elora to the Tahune Airwalk, which they loved:
On Good Friday we had a family BBQ lunch, together with the Smiths. It was a beautiful afternoon and the kids enjoyed an egg hunt!
On Saturday the girls: Sarah, Lily, Georgia, Milly and I had a special afternoon: High Tea at the Grand Chancellor, followed by a stroll along the Harbour. It was a lot of fun. It was great to get dressed up and have such a treat! We all loved it. Meanwhile, the boys and Elora had an adventure of their own: a drive along the coast, doing some cheese and wine tasting.
Easter Sunday was a lovely day. It began with an early egg hunt. Then there was another egg hunt in the Forest. It was a fun day, although we did lose Elora’s favourite toy, Raffie. We’ve no idea where he is – perhaps he will turn up one day!
What a great time we all had!
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