Archives by date

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February 18-24

February 18-24

Another week has raced by. I am getting used to my new role at work and the children are settled and happy at school and Childcare. 18/2: it was such a hot day. Cold meats and salads for tea was just perfect 19/2: the biggest blessing was all the rain we had today. Over 20mm […]

February 12 - 17

February 12 – 17

12/2: a new Blythe for me! 13/2: a quiet cup of tea for me at the end of the day – how can the day go so fast I only got to take a photo at the very end? I love my evening cups of tea in quiet and solitude. 14/2: lovely flowers from the […]

February 4-11

February 4-11

1: (4/2) I received a huge package in the mail, filled with haberdashery (most was probably nana’s) from my cousin. 2: (5/2) at the end of a busy day I enjoyed listening to my beautiful girl reading to me a story from my own childhood. The other special thing about today was that Georgia spent […]