
Yep. We now have four ewes in the paddocks surround our house. They are about a year old. They are Coopworths, which is a good wet weather sheep that has a good chance of twin births.


They seem so small, and they are dwarfed by the paddocks. The grass is lush and they seem to like it. Elora loves seeing the sheep from her bedroom window. Monte loves the way they all move together, in a tight bunch, trotting from one corner of the paddock to another. I’m grateful to our friends, Perran and Katrina, who brought them to our place.

It’s hard for me to get a good photo of these girls. They are not tame at all. They run away when they see or hear us. They come from a farm of thousands of sheep on Bruny Island.

Our plan for these sheep is to breed them. Eat the boys and keep the girls. Maybe I will spin some of the fleece, one day on the future. Maybe. Either way, we need to grow more mint.