Elora is really growing up. Today she followed her siblings and their friends around, wanting to be part of their fun and games. The cutest thing was when she sat and had her own icy pole with the other children. She was so proud of herself! She seemed to think she was very grown up, […]

Fabric Friday
I want to share with you my current obsession and favourite fabric. It’s from Amy Butler. It’s called Heirloom in Jade in the Lark range. I adore it for its colour and the quality of the fabric. I adore florals. I usually lean towards pink, so this jade colour is different for me – and […]

Today was such a happy day. The sky was blue, the air was fresh and the sun was warm. Of course, I had the feeling it was all just for me! I was surrounded by people I love: my husband, children, inlaws and friends (and coffee!), all of whom enrich my life. Beauty and happiness […]

A lovely sunny day to head to Hobart and the Museum of Old and New Art (MONA). I highly recommend a visit to this gallery. Whilst some aspects are confronting, it is a marvellous experience that encourages you to look at things with a fresh perspective. I found that I spent a while gazing at […]

Treechange Tuesday: timing
Andrew asked me to write about how we would do things differently, if we were to set off on a tree change all over again. Fortunately, monte and I have 20/20 hindsight vision, and there are definitely things that we would do differently next time. I’m going to write about this topic in a series […]

As I write, rain is pouring, thunder is clapping and lightening is flashing at Fangorn! I imagine that our garden is really soaking up the water. The highlight of my day was watching my son make damper. He found the recipe in his new cookbook. He got out and measured the ingredients – I only […]
A year of photos
1/1/12 Elora has a bath and her radiant smile brings me joy 2/1/12 After dinner, we spent a couple of hours outdoors. Whilst the children were playing on the swings, monte and I plaited the garlic that monte had just harvested. 3/1/11 It’s no secret that I love baking muffins. Banana choc chip muffins are […]

The lovely SJ asked what mizuna is. We use it as a salad green, similar to rocket, because of its strong peppery taste. I think it’s a brassica and it’s Japanese. It’s fairly easy to grow. We have it growing with our tomatoes. We’ve got three big bushes of the stuff, but because of its […]
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