It’s such a pleasure to walk outside our back door and breathe in this view. In the mornings it is quite spectacular. I love to look down into the valley and see the town bathed in early morning fog. I love it that the air is cool, crisp and clear. I like to sip my coffee and take it all in; it’s a great way to start the day.
Yesterday morning I went outside bright and early, before anyone else woke up. It wasn’t early: 7:00 I think it was… I thought the day particularly beautiful.
And I happened upon this spider. There are a few of these about. They are thorny and evil-looking, but if they catch the flies, I’m happy for these to stay.
Last night we ate dinner outside and after we had eaten we sat and watched the spider weave its web again. It was really interesting. It was like an acrobatic dance, as it leapt from the web and hung in the air, waiting for the wind to blow it over to another solid thing on which to build the web. The spider was being rather ambitious, trying to weave an enormous web that would entangle a human child, but it was interesting nonetheless.
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