I won!
I did it! I won! I’m so excited – and I actually had *real tears* as I typed my ‘final’ words (final for Nano, perhaps, but my story is not nearly finished!). I have typed over 50, 200 words this month. I am so happy. It was even worth the burnt Christmas cake. :D

I write with great excitement. I am about 1200 words away from finishing my 50,000 words for NaNoWriMo. I have written 48,767 words this month. Today, I have written just under 3500 words (not including this post), and I have spent less than an hour writing at my computer. I have to make the time […]

A little mishap…
Last night I decided to bake some Christmas nut cakes. Or, rather, nutty Christmas cakes. And I also decided to try to write 4000 words in under 2 hours. And then, this happened: Turns out I am quite the nut! I remembered about these beauties at 3:00am. Only 6 hours too late. What a waste! […]
More on writing
I couldn’t get to sleep last night. Things to write about were whirring around my head again. Plus, it was really windy, and I was worried about the washing that I had left out on the line all day (easy to forget about the washing when you are crafting with your children, and thinking and […]
I think I can…
Maybe I can reach the 50k target afterall. I’m still trying, even though the outlook over the next 10 days looks a bit strenuous. Today I wrote over 4100 words for NaNoWriMo. I had had an interesting day, to say the least. It was raining and I was inside with the children. We had a […]

November is National Novel Writing Month (NaNoWriMo) and I am taking part. I decided to give the challenge a go this year; I read a lot about it last year, when Elora was a tiny baby, and I thought, back then, that if my head was not so clouded with sleeplessness and crazy hormones, I […]

Becca’s Beef Pot Roast
You know those days when you want to cook something and nothing in the recipe books matches either what you feel like eating – or the ingredients in your pantry? Today was one of those days. Plus, I felt creative and energetic for the first time in a while! Usually we have a weekly menu […]

Huon Show 2011
We went to the Huon Show on the weekend. It was a lovely day, weather wise, and we had a fun time. I remember that last year, Elora was a newborn baby at the show, and it took us a few hours to walk around the main oval! That old post is over here. This […]
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