30/11: Georgia making her promise and becoming a Girl Guide

29/11: preparing beans, grown in our own garden, for dinner made us all smile :D

28/11: Geeveston family fun day. I had a bad migraine, but my children hugging and smiling together, and having so much fun, made me smile anyway :)

27/11: Putting up the Christmas tree... Elora's first Christmas, and doesn't she love her mummy!

27/11: You can make Rudolf Christmas biscuits by using gingerbread men cookie cutters. Except if you turn them upside down they look like female daleks :p

25/11: our cat, Naigee, followed us down the hill to check on and feed the goats

24/11: pulling pants up nice and high :)

22/11 Matthew making his craft at pre-kinder made me smile *proud

20/11 Elora's first hike through the forest made me smile.

18/11 Recipe for a big smile? A new haircut!

17/11 I smile at the prospect of growing lots of veges!

16/11 My favourite pyjama pants made me smile today. Comfy.

15/11: I smiled at Matthew playing with the doll, and the way he was so loving towards it

14/11: Bathtime for Elora *always* makes me smile. It's one of our favourite things!

13/11: We saw an echidna on the way home from the Huon show and it made me smile :D

12/11 Matty and I made a cake for Georgia. He let it be pink! I smiled at the heart sprinkles that he chose for her!

11/11: I smiled thinking of my mother knitting this adorable jumper for Matty when he was a baby, and how Elora is wearing it now
Yep, I’m doing my photo journal again. A magic moment exists each day and I hope to capture it on my camera, whatever it is.
What an exciting month you’ve had!!! Yay for the ERGO!!!! Annabelle lives in hers!
*tip* the ERGO boxes (ie computer in pic with Matthew) reverse and make great storage boxes!