I think it is great that there is a movement to make everybody aware of Global Warming. However, by getting everybody to turn their lights off is just a stupid way of showing our concern for this planet. Firstly, it will make no difference whatsoever to reducing the CO2 emissions. Secondly, when everybody turns their lights on at the same time, there will be significant pressure on the power network. Thirdly, the coal-fired power plants will not be shutting down, so all that power that is produced will be wasted.
Yes, I know, this is a symbolic gesture. It’s not actually going to save our world. Things that will save our planet are much harder for us to do. Changes that involve paradigm shifts: not using a car, not using electricity, not consuming mass produced clothes and food and toys etc. We need to be growing our own food; recycling and making our own clothes and toys. We need to be buying local and organic.
But that is just the tip of the iceberg.
Turn off your lights and all your power and don’t use your car or spend money during Earth Hour and we will find that no, it is not going to be easy to combat Global Warming (but we have to).
What people have been saying: