It has been a great day, with our Adelaide friends, Helen and Greg visiting us. it has been a happy, busy, bustling day and I had many smile moments. But now, as I finally flop onto the couch with my peppi tea and my knitting, I feel truly relaxed and am smiling :)

Monte and Georgie were in the garden, checking on things. Georgia was really excited, spotting new tomatoes, strawberries and zucchinis amongst the lush, fast growing crops. She also planted more carrots and beetroot. I smiled when I spotted these little zucchinis. Better get my favorite recipes out… Chocolate zucchini cake, zucchini slice and pasta sauce, […]

Smiling as I play Lego with my beautiful boy. Not just because it’s so much fun and I love listening to his chatter as we create, but because I love the miniature land of Lego, with the tiny cups and wine glasses, tiny flowers and Lego-person sized brooms, bins, pizza paddles, pizzas, TVs, computers, petrol […]

Another smile moment fueled by my firstborn. The ever-gorgeous, fun-loving, graceful Georgia has a friend sleeping over and they were dancing to ‘Hey Soul Sister.’ It was great; they were great and it made me smile, remembering sleepovers with my friends when I was young.

Baking with Georgia made me smile today. She’s so independent when she bakes now. She reads the recipe and gets all her supplies and does an excellent job, even sprinkling flour onto the floor to make fairy dust! I make sure I keep involved all the same!

Whilst sorting through more stuff, I found this wallet. I laughed when I looked through it, to find some old ‘Neighbours’ collector cards (nice hairdos), and some well-preserved receipts dated May 1988. I had bought some things, costing 21c, 29c etc from a place called ‘Shoppers WORLD’ or something. I would have been 10 years […]
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