Smile time
I know I’m behind in my blogging. Far behind! But honestly, it is for a good cause. There will be more to come: a post about a wet weekend that we spent cooking and preserving things from our own garden; some yummy recipes we have come across; Easter; Anzac Day; Bushwalking and more. I just […]

21/3 – 2/4
My highlights of happiness continue to be based on my family. I cherish my time with them and am grateful for them each day. I love being a mother. It is so easy to be busy with life, and I have been making an extra effort to stop and enjoy my children. Stuff the housework. […]

Garden glories
This is the dream. After living in the cabin for over two years – constantly reminded that we had no electricity save that which was powered by the sunlight and a dab of wind – I missed many things. Space, for one. Garden, another. For the first time in a while now I am completely […]
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