30/1/12 – 5/2/12
30/1/12: rain! After such a dry few weeks, it was delightful to have such a huge amount of rain. The pond that had dried up has been filled to overflowing! Our garden is rejoicing with its beautiful, long drink, but the weather is not very conducive to drying the washing or enabling little children to […]

Just smiles
13/8/11 Elora is teething. She has been so tired and upset, and is soothed by cuddles with me. Here, she just looks so tired. This was taken a little while before she settled down for the night. 12/8/11 My lovely monte brings me coffee every morning. This is something I appreciate to no end. I […]

It’s always interesting to see where children’s imagination will take them when given a few craft supplies! We love to make things; I’d like to think we make something every day, whether it be a disastrous pot holder, tasty muffins, a knitted beanie or a pair of binoculars… The greatest thing about this moment was […]

Monte and Georgia participated in a fun run today to raise money for the Royal Hobart Hospital Paediatric ward. I loved seeing the two of them together, encouraging eachother and smiling so much. I think this will be a memory that Georgia will have for a lifetime. And they want to do it again! Good […]

6/8/11 I can’t help it. Seeing two of my children in such a loving embrace had to be my favorite moment. The blessings in my life are abundant. Of course, my other favorite part of the day was adding 6m of shelving to our pantry. It meant taking out a shelf or more of pantry […]

Dinner. Chicken salad. When you know that your dinner is made up of mostly protein and good old H2O, of course you smile. This was delicious! In a couple of whole lettuce leaves, place a salad made with 2-3 grated carrot, half an avocado (sliced), salad onion, a small handful of feta cheese, 2 stalks […]

There’s nothing quite like our evening story time, which sometimes lasts an hour! It is a very relaxing time, when dinner has been eaten and the kitchen is (mostly) cleaned up. Often, we all have a go reading something to each other. Here, Georgie is reading to Matthew, who is all snuggled up and enjoying […]

Elora is teething and is rather grumbly an unsettled. I’ve had a nasty migraine for a few days now, so things have been challenging. Here, we are having a quiet moment… I think she is wondering if my mouth hurts too. I’m going to try to get back into blogging regularly. I have a few […]
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