Fabric Friday: vintage cot sheets
My mum set up Elora’s cot with these cot sheets I had when I was a baby, which makes them 21 years old (wink wink)! They are lovely; all soft and worn. I love the cute little animals in their reds and yellows. Then I started to imagine myself as a little bub, sleeping on […]

Fabric Friday – Loulouthi
Anna Maria Horner’s Loulouthi in June My current fabric crush is Anna Maria Horner’s Loulouthi range. I love the bold patterns and colours. This piece seems to have a vibrant personality. And it is pink. And florally. There are dozens of things I would sew with this one.

Fabric Friday – brights
Kids are great to sew for. I asked Matthew to choose any fabric he liked so I could sew pants for his cousin. He chose this one. And he asked for some pants of his own! It’s such a bright fabric. It’s from my grandmother’s fabric stash. Matthew wears these pants all the time, usually […]

Fabric Friday – storage
I have a fabric dilemma. A storage dilemma! I have fabric in a cupboard. These are mostly fabrics that my nanna bought; some of them are older than me. I’ve got fabric on shelves above my sewing table. (fat quarters leftover from Christmas!) I’ve got folds of various fancy and ordinary fabrics above my desk. […]

Mending jeans
Monte got a tear in his jeans. He asked me to mend them. I was only happy to oblige. It’s a fairly big tear, about 7cm. I ironed some double sided interfacing onto the wrong side of a pretty floral patch of fabric. Then I peeled off the backing paper and ironed the patch onto […]

Fabric Friday – repurposing
Do you like my bag? I have two of them. I use them for work. One is slightly larger and I use it to carry books home. The other one (pictured) is more suitable as a general handbag. I am a real bag lady. I love bags. I hang them in our closet and they […]

Fabric Friday
All right, I might be going just a little bit crazy with my etsy shopping. Not to mention my fabric shopping. But I bought some owl fabrics last week and I can’t wait for them to arrive! I don’t know what I’m going to do with this one. It strikes me as quite boyish. I’m […]

Fabric Friday
I bought these pillow cases for 50c each. I really want to use them as pillow cases, but I probably won’t. I’d like to sew an apron for Elora and a little skirt for Georgia (or myself). I’ve also thought of sewing strips together to make a pretty scarf, possibly backing it with some suiting […]
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