21/10/12: for the first time in maybe 9 years, Monte and I had a quiet day, just chillaxing and reading and eating freshly baked choc chip cookies. The children played happily and quietly, or slept, and it was peaceful and lovely.
20/10/12: Georgie turned 9 today. We had a fantastic day together. We’re so proud of our G!
19/10/12: we went to the kids’ school fair. There was a lot to do. The jumping castle was one of them!
18/10/12: our sheep arrived today!
17/10/12: my nana would’ve been 92 today. I miss her so much. Elora cheered me up today by cooking for me. I love her talking and counting and playing and singing, and her cooking is perfection!
16/10/12: after a loooong day of schoolwork and housework and mumwork, a cup of tea with the husband when the kids are abed is just the bees knees.
15/10/12: Such a beautiful day. We had dinner on the deck. Monte served up the kids’ meal in the shapes of faces. He’s a fun dad!
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