We had Elora’s birthday party whilst Gordon and Maxine were visiting. It was great to share the occasion with family.
Elora loves owls so we made her an owl birthday cake. We have a tradition, Monte and I, of decorating the birthday cake together on the eve of the party. It’s a fun tradition!
We had made a slab banana cake the day before, using double our recipe. Monte drew the owl and used that as the template. He didn’t have to cut much of the cake away.
Ellie was besotted with her cake. ‘Wow!’ she exclaimed, ‘Owl owl owl!’
By keeping the cake in the fridge, it was lovely and moist and fresh. The icing was a lemon icing and the shredded coconut made a good topping as well. Yum!
What an awesome cake! Very very clever. I bet it tasted good too. Mmmmm, lemon……