6/8/12 – 12/8/12


12/8/12: The Neck – a roaring, desolate expanse of beach – except for some sea gulls and a fisherman. Such a good place for a game of family football, sandcastle making and writing in the sand.


11/8/12: so many adventures in one day – like this adventure at Adventure Bay!


10/8/12: heading over to Bruny Island for a family getaway.


9/8/12: I cooked a Japanese braised oxtail casserole in the pressure cooker when I got home from work today. The aim was to put it in the freezer so we can eat it after our holiday. I didn’t really feel like cooking anything else very interesting, so my beloved cooked up the most tasty concoction: tender beef strips in honey and soy glaze with sesame seeds and cashew nuts. Delicious! Monte is a fantastic cook.


8/8/12: oh dear. My day is so full on that my highlight was doing a tabata ergo!


7/8/12: chilling out on the sofa with Elora and Monte, watching the Olympics and playing with Photo Booth on my iPad.


6/8/12: we were all up, bright and early, to watch the men’s 100m final for the Olympics. We were cheering on Bolt. We have all been enjoying watching the Olympics – or at least what we can, given the timing.