
The cows came here just 3 months ago. One by one they left us. Ernie was killed for beef. Emma died a few weeks after she arrived, probably of old age. Miranda sold Josephine and Eyenstein and yesterday, Nina, who has been sick for 3 weeks, died too.


the day Nina arrived


Monte built a milking stall and Nina loved it.


she was so lovely


Bessie was born at the end of April

Nina got sick, possibly due to poor nutrition. Miranda gave Nina to us on the night she got sick, which was a mixed blessing. Monte has cared for her so much. A week ago she was nearly put down but she kept improving and Monte was becoming quite attached!

Yesterday she walked on her own. It was such an achievement. Although she was wobbly, she seemed to like using her legs again. She still didn’t look very well, but we were pleased about how much she had improved. Unfortunately she fell down when we were out yesterday. She couldn’t get up, and when cows lie with their heads lower than their stomachs they die very quickly. She did try to get up but she couldn’t, and we are so very sad.

We still have Bessie, who is hand reared and will make a lovely house cow. We have Mr T, of whom Miranda has given 3/4 to us, and who will be very yummy.


Mr T


Bessie: a lovely house cow for Fangorn Farm

Nothing in life is meant to be easy and I suppose that this is all part of our adventure. The road is often bumpy but it can also be quite smooth, can’t it – surely?

One Response

  1. Kate G
    Kate G June 16, 2012 at 7:29 pm |

    I’ve found that another way of looking at bumpy roads helps me – I ask what God is showing me through this experience. How is He going to transform me, or others through this experience. A book I’ve found incredibly helpful that talks about how the soul is transformed through loss is “A Grace Disguised” by Jerry Sittser. It’s available as an Ebook from Koorong for about $10. Of course knowing that God is sovereign and has a plan for all things doesn’t stop sad events from being sad. We still need to allow ourselves to grieve. xxxx

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