26/3/12 – 1/4/12

26/3/12: Well, when you’re feeling ill and have no energy and your baby cries through the night, again, and is diagnosed with hand, foot and mouth disease, and cries so much due to the pain in her mouth – which is so bad she can’t eat much – you find it hard to find much joy. However, our Matthew seems to see everything in a positive light, and he cares for his baby sister. Here they are watching our broken-down ute being towed away (things happen in threes). I think Elora might’ve thought that daddy was leaving because she kept calling out to him; Matthew was explaining everything to her in a caring tone.


27/3/12: it has been 19 years since Monte and I met! I stayed home from work to look after Elora. I am fighting feelings of guilt about being away from work. I have to put my baby first, and she doesn’t feel well and she is very clingy. We had some pleasant time together though, and she was happiest when outside. She helped me pick vegetables and we sat in the paddock watching the cows and the view. Our little girl is growing up.


28/3/12: home again with Elora. She insisted that we visit the cows. Nina is very curious about Elora.


29/3/12: Elora helped clear the table after dinner by taking things to Georgia who was in the kitchen. It was so cute (she was actually dressed properly for dinner though).


30/3/12: this cuddle and this new outfit.


31/3/12: what a day, filled with friends, who visited us. We had a lovely BBQ with lovely friends, serving some scotch fillet steaks a lá Ernie!


1/4/12: April?! I was happiest when I had afternoon tea outside with my daughters. Georgia brought out a pot of tea on a tray. We chatted and sipped; Elora crunched on an apple.
