I know. This is totally random and I totally need to get a life, but as a busy working mum I’m after any time savers I can find.
If you’re like me the only time you really think about how much your shower needs a clean is when you are actually showering. By the time you have finished in the shower and you’re all clean and dressed and ready for the day, your concern for the state of your shower is but a memory.
TIP: you’ll be more likely to clean the shower if you keep the cleaning fear in the shower. I keep my squeegee and scrubbing brush in my shower, and the cleaning products in the bathroom cupboard. Obviously you’d have to be careful around kids.
To save time, I squirt my shower with shower cleaner in the evening. I wipe it down slightly and then leave it to soak overnight. In the morning I rinse off the cleaner as I’m waiting for the shower water to heat up. In the shower, with my face mask on, I scrub the shower. It doesn’t take too long and I get my shower and my clean shower in one go. Yay!
I realize this sounds possibly moronic, but how efficient is my use of time!? I just need to find a way to clean my car whilst driving. (I do keep a cleaning mitt in the glove box so that I can wipe down the car if I’m ever waiting for somebody in the car.)
I also sewed tonight. A doll’s dress. It was fun. My grandmother used to sew me dozens of dolls’ clothes and this made me think if her, especially as I used her fabric. It was a nice way to spend part of the evening.
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