Elora is teething. She has been so tired and upset, and is soothed by cuddles with me. Here, she just looks so tired. This was taken a little while before she settled down for the night.
My lovely monte brings me coffee every morning. This is something I appreciate to no end. I sometimes see images in the crema… Can you see what I saw?
Is it not a mother holding her child, surrounded by a heart?
Oh, the sweetness of cuddles :)
I made a trifle. Eating it reminded me of my nanna. I tasted it, and memories flooded through my mind, so I kept eating, of course, to continue to breathe the memories of her, until I could almost hear her laugh, see her and feel the softness of her hands. Elora is named after her.
My boy. He is amazing. From his imaginative, elaborate stories, his singing and dancing, his kisses and cuddles … Sweetness.
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