Another glorious morning! We went down the street for the Geeveston Anzac march, where Georgia was marching with the Girl Guides.
There was a strong sense of community, both during the march and during the memorial service. Lots of different facets of the community were being represented and it was great to see so many people.
I was proud of Georgia, who took a lily to the cenotaph to represent one of the diggers who had died in the past 12 months.

Georgia took a lily to the cenotaph in memory of one of the diggers who has died this year. She was representing the Girl Guides.
I think that she partially understood what the purpose of the march and the service was. I was pleased that she knew a bit about what Anzac day means. I think it is important for our young people to understand about what our soldiers sacrificed for our country, without telling them so much that they get scared or worried.
We heard some students speak of Teddy Sheean, who was never awarded a Victoria Cross, but perhaps he should have. You can read about him here.
Hi, I just happened to come across your website as I am currently helping with the preparation of a submission to the Defence Honours and Awards Tribunal which is considering, among other things, whether Teddy Sheean should be recognised with a VC. Teddy Sheean was my Great Uncle and I have written about him on my website. You might like to read more about his story here:
Regards, Lynne