Lots of smile moments, mostly occupied by my children or food, or the two together! Sometimes I cheat and have more than one smile moment!
I am grateful everyday for the wonderful blessings that have come my way.

14/12: simply enjoying my gorgeous wonderful adorable baby girl

13/12: chocolate cupcakes to take to a friend

12/12: Honeycomb from our own hives - perfect symmetry made by an insect!

- 11/12: just 13 days after being planted, this bean is growing!

11/12 part 2: OMG my baby is divine :D She supervised the rest of the family while we were in the garden ;)

- 9/12: Matty made an angel at his last pre-kinder session

9/12 part 2: gardening with my boy

8/12: Georgia sings in the School Christmas Concert
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