House Pics

A lot of people have asked us to put house pictures up on our blog! It makes sense too; we’ve published a lot of the journey, so why not display some of the fruits of our labour? Of course, like many houses, there are jobs still to be done, like rendering and some painting touch ups. And we are having a great deal of fun decorating (I love it!!!).

Here are some photos:

The house looking great on the hill

The curved walls that I adore

The kitchen, that I adore

Matthew in the lounge/dining room

The lounge/dining area, sans Matthew

Matty’s room

Guest room

The dining area bathed in sunlight (therefore warmth!)

We’re loving living here. It is warm and comfortable and we are really appreciating the space! The children love it. Matthew loves talking about his room: “My own room with all my toys in it!” and “Come and see my room!” and “Daddy built us a house up the hill!” He is very proud of his wonderful daddy, who has put so much work into this lovely house. It’s great!

4 Responses

  1. Lisa
    Lisa August 9, 2010 at 12:47 pm |

    Dear Bec,

    Honestly what an inspiration…a beautiful home made with your own bare hands, friendship and love. No wonder you adore it! Will have to drop down for a visit sometime! Lisa, Ben and Madeleine Hyde (Adelaide) xx

  2. Eva
    Eva June 23, 2010 at 8:17 am |

    Hi Rebecca
    Have been following your blog for quite some time,just wanted to say a huge congratulations on your home and now your third bundle of joy to be. I know it has been a very tough yet rewarding journey. We have a patch in Petcheys Bay but will remain in Perth to be with my dad in his final years.
    May your home be a place of great joy and blessings to your family and all who walk through its door.

  3. Helen
    Helen June 22, 2010 at 12:28 pm |

    Would love to see your wood fired oven which you talk about so much – please post a piccie or two :-)

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