
We had a dramatic evening after my first day back at work after the (long, 2-month) summer holidays. Matthew fell off the caravan step and sliced the back of his thigh open. Yes, open. Do you want details? No, you do not. Let’s just say there were layers of flesh…

Firstly, I have to say that my little boy is very very brave. He did complain of a sore leg. I had no idea that the wound was so serious until I had a close look. He told me he was happy once I had him in my arms, singing “Lulaloo” in a somewhat shaky voice (I love being a mummy!).

Secondly, I’m excellent. I might yell the house down if I stubb my big toe, but I can have a 4 kilo baby in 2 hours with no drugs and no stitches. I can now also say that I can look at my baby, with a bad injury, and remain completely calm and in control. The first thing I did was tell him it was going to be okay, and that mummy was here, and I cradled him in my arms and just loved him.

I had no [expletive] idea what to do.

We live 60km away from the city. Doctors surgery was closed. I rang the emergency number and a very helpful nurse talked me through what to do (cold compress, pressure, lie down) and 15 minutes later a doctor rang. She found the doctor who was on call and at 7:30pm (90 minutes after the incident) Matthew was in the surgery at Huonville, having stitches.

The problem with stitches and small children is that they cannot have too much local anaesthetic. Matty felt everything the doctor was doing; once again I had to try to distract him in a forced-calm voice, whilst Monte held him as still as possible (Matty is so strong!).

Why am I telling this story?

One: because my son is so brave, and when I see in my memory the look of pain on my baby boy’s face I remember his strength and brevity and I fill with pride. Two: I learned an important lesson about me (that’s right, I’m excellent) and three: I learned that we can cope with a medical emergengy; I am pleased with the responses we got, although if there is another time we will either call an ambulance or just drive straight to Hobart Emergency.

The little boy who makes my heart melt, flutter and explode in one moment and one smile

The little boy who makes my heart melt, flutter and explode in one moment and one smile