Back to school

Georgia has started Grade 1. She loves her new teacher and she is excited about a new year of learning new things. She was nervous today, but she was mostly excited. Working at the same school that she attends is comforting because I often think that I will be there if she needs me … except she never needs me, and I hardly ever see her during the school day. It is a good deal nonetheless.

Georgia on her first day of school 2010

Georgia on her first day of school 2010

I’m back at work, working three days, doing literacy and other support at the school. I’ll also be studying towards my Masters, about which I am very excited!

It's good to know that the children can still have fun when Mummy goes back to work...

It's good to know that the children can still have fun when mummy goes back to work... (taken on my first day back)

Here’s to a good year in 2010!