
17/6/12: A fun day out with the family, including a picnic and buying new plants for our garden! We saw the most amazing rainbow on the way home.

lavender that Georgie picked for me
20120616-203938.jpg16/6/12: Gardening with Georgie. It was awesome and our gardens are coming along really nicely.

20120616-203832.jpg15/6/12: Walking around the garden with Elora, whilst the others played with friends.

20120614-221229.jpg14/6/12: we visited friends and walked up to their ‘Pixie Hollow.’ We really do live in a beautiful part of the world.

20120613-151339.jpg13/6/12: on this pretty afternoon I went snap-happy in the lovely winter sunshine. The days are so short now, but sunny days are so pleasant!

20120613-150906.jpg12/6/12: I took Georgie and Matthew out for the day. We are having very happy holidays. We had lunch and went op shopping. We had donuts and did lots of shopping.

20120613-145955.jpg11/6/12: friends came over and we walked over to the cows to say hello. The children loved running about, exploring the dam and chatting to Mr T and Bessie.