Meat free week was March 23-39 and I’m pleased to say that most of our meals were meat free during that time. 

I thought I’d share our vegetarian menu for that week. 


Chickpea curry. Similar recipe Here. I did make a few little changes. 



Boston baked beans. You can find a recipe Here. I used butter beans. 


Vegetable quiche. Recipe Here. The custard part of the quiche is made in the blender. Simply place vegetables on a lined baking dish and pour the custard on top. So easy and delicious. 



Lentil curry. I used the above recipe. I prefer chickpeas because lentils tend to taste dry. This cooked in the slow cooker all day. I served it with roasted vegetables and rice. 



It was Our 22nd anniversary and we went it for lunch, where we ate this:


Which, as you can see is not vegetarian. The children had tuna pasta for tea. Monte ate leftovers and I ate porridge. 


I made these kale and quinoa patties, which are a family favourite. I made a lot and it gave us lots of leftovers!


Sunday is leftovers night in our house, so we ate a combination of all the week’s meals that were leftover. 

I love leftovers night. Sundays are rather pleasant when I don’t need to stress about what’s for dinner or fiend lots of time preparing a meal. 

We enjoyed meat free week. It was interesting cooking so many vegetarian meals and I realised that I have a lot of great vegetarian dishes in my repertoire. The most interesting Neal to me was the kale and quinoa patties. The whole family loves them. They’re easy to prepare before hand. I always prepare the kale and quinoa the day before. I love how they’re so crispy. 

I’m going to continue to cook a few vegetarian meals each week. Like this, a River Cottage potato, egg and tomato salad that is delicious hot or cold.