Life feels so busy that I forgot to post my ‘365’ photos last week. Outside of work, and feeling busy and tired, we have been enveloping our time in our children. We are reading a lot, cooking a lot and snuggling a lot. We are really looking forward to the Easter break, when we will be catching up with friends and eating chocolate and homemade Easter buns and Easter pies and cakes.
Some highlights of the past week: We had lots of rain and our lawn is looking green again, and is growing again. Georgie has a new bedtime routine which is helping her fall asleep easier and sleep better in general. Matthew is reading a chapter book. Elora is deadset against wearing nappies.
17/3: stocking my new cupboards with my stuff
18/3: going on an excursion with a class of preps to the marine discovery centre. Awesome sea creatures!
19/3: giving a new crochet hook a test run
20/3: listening to my boy read. He reads fluently and with great expression.
21/3: homeschooling Matthew, who had to stay home for a few days with conjunctivitis. He worked really hard and enjoyed the tasks I set.
22/3: I made jam.
23/3: spending the evening with Georgie, crocheting together. Excellent mummy-daughter time!
24/3: flying kites in the paddocks
25/3: reading to Elora on her new big girl’s bed!
26/3: actually fitting in baking bikkies amidst baths, stories and bedtimes!