It has been a good week. The children had their swimming carnival and Georgie won some swimming races, helping to build her confidence in swimming. Matthew’s teacher told me that Matthew is a very good thinker. At Childcare, Elora continues to be “wonderful” and “lovely.” My children’s happiness and successes definitely add to my happiness and pride. Monte has had some successes with his work too, and despite a bit of conjunctivitis and sinusitis, I feel that life has been so good lately.


Monday: my blog was featured in one crafty mumma‘s blog for the ripplealong. It helped me feel part of a little community, and when I am spending my evening crocheting, I am not alone.
Tuesday: we moved the cows. I had to race Bella with the pellets. Eventually she caught up with me and grabbed the bucket of pellets from me. I got a chance to pat all my cows, even the boys, who are overly friendly. In fact, Mash slobbered on me and sucked my skirt, looking for pellets.
Wednesday: I received some tickets to the Globe Theatre to see The Tempest when we are in London. Eeek. So excited!
Thursday: evening crochet with my blanket


Friday: I quite like a little shopping spree and afternoon tea date with my favourite tiny person
Saturday: it rained
Sunday: our children painted with their daddy
Monday: shopping at one of my favourite stores, followed by cake in the park

My 365 project continues to bring me great joy. It is so good to focus on all the positive things in my life.

Posted in 365