My last few days of summer were happy ones.
(25/2) We met with our carpenter friend to discuss changes to this space, so it won’t be too much longer before I have to empty out my cupboards and get ready for new ones (squeeeeeeeeeeal!).
26/2) Monte and I had a quiet dinner just together, which is kind of rare for us.
(27/2) Matty was being particularly sweet, giving me lots of cuddles, writing me little notes and making me presents.
(28/2) Monte and took Elora out for morning tea and she was very excited and very cute.
It’s kind of sad that summer is over. I love the longer days and warmer weather. I do like autumn though, with its charming light and cool days. Hopefully we will get lots of rain soon!
In fact, our autumn has started off very happily. Friday was a beautiful blue skied day and I spent the morning with a good friend – such a lovely time. One of the fun things about Saturday was going blackberry picking in our paddock. They are not quite ripe yet and we have lots more to pick before we can make jam. Sunday was an awesomely fun day at the river with friends. There were lots of water sports and it was so great – I hope to write about it later!