
Another week has raced by. I am getting used to my new role at work and the children are settled and happy at school and Childcare.

18/2: it was such a hot day. Cold meats and salads for tea was just perfect
19/2: the biggest blessing was all the rain we had today. Over 20mm in Geeveston.
20/2: easy tacos for dinner
21/2: the third day of a searing headache for me- this was my view for a lot of the day
22/2: exploring in the garden with my baby. We discovered zucchinis, cucumbers, tomatoes, pumpkins, spinach, lettuce and spring onions.
23/2: I made zucchini and choc chip muffins and Matthew loved them! Of course, he didn’t notice the zucchini (and if he did, he didn’t care, which is even better). I also took the children to the playground to help Georgie on the monkey bars, and her determination is really admirable. Unfortunately I didn’t take my camera!
24/2: I am happy to be crocheting a blanket!

Other things that made this week wonderful
– a headache I had for four days is now gone
– conjunctivitis goes away as quickly as it comes (eww)
– Matthew made a sleigh for the rocking horse
– I discovered about ten crispy cucumbers in our garden
– I started a ripple blanket
– Elora finally admitted she is a girl (she kept telling us she is a boy, until today, when she told daddy she is a girl)
– Georgie decided she wants a budgie
– monte didn’t care that I bought more Tupperware
– I stopped a chook from being broody by lifting her off the nest a few times and letting her free range with the other chooks
– I kept on top of the washing. All. Week.

Posted in 365