
1: (4/2) I received a huge package in the mail, filled with haberdashery (most was probably nana’s) from my cousin.
2: (5/2) at the end of a busy day I enjoyed listening to my beautiful girl reading to me a story from my own childhood. The other special thing about today was that Georgia spent the afternoon cleaning the house, so when I came home from work our house was beautiful and clean!
3: (6/2) our 14th wedding anniversary, and also the children’s first day of school for the year
4: (7/2) I took my little girl out for morning tea at a local cafe. She kept talking about being at a cafe for morning tea with her baby. It was so cute. I kept smiling (so did she).


1: (8/2) we were so excited to see that Bella had calved sweet little Daisy!
2: (9/2) the children got new bunny rabbits: midnight and flopsy
3: (10/2) an eagle was flying overhead when we were working in the garden! Always exciting.
4: (11/2) Elora loves playing with her dolls. She is so gentle and maternal and nurturing with them. I like to think she learned those qualities from me ;)

Posted in 365