(20/1) we spent the evening with a bunch of wonderful friends. We explored the beach and rock pools; had a picnic and played beach cricket whilst the sun set. A magical evening!
1. (21/1) Matthew set up a little desk for himself so he could do some sketching
2. (22/1) Georgie and I spent the afternoon sewing together
3. (23/1) Georgie and I went out for a special morning tea and shopping adventure
4. (24/1) I had the opportunity to just hang out and play with these two little people
5. (25/1) spending the evening at the Geeveston fair, a fundraiser for the victims of the recent bushfires in Tasmania – it raised $20,000! Not bad for a small town. It was lots of fun.
Top: (26/1) we had to go shopping for a few things and Monte surprised me with this pretty bunch of flowers. They make me feel happy. They are perfect.
Bottom: (27/1) after spending some time (a few hours!) weeding the vege garden, this was my bounty: beetroot, shallots, garlic, spring onions, lettuce, zucchini and spinach